Grants Process Overview

The Oncology Nursing Foundation's mission is to support cancer nursing excellence. ONF offers various funding opportunities, including research grant opportunities for the nurse scientist community to identify and test new insights into patient care.

Getting Started

Learn the Basics

  • The Foundation uses the Oncology Nursing Society (ONS) Research Agenda to inform topics for calls for research proposals. 
  • Grant calls are approved by the ONF Board and funded by various resources, most notably the Foundation Endowment and donors interested in advancing cancer nursing research.

Plan Your Approach

  • Review the Foundation’s current grant opportunities found on the website.
  • Ensure your research meets the call and ideally the ONS research agenda.
  • Check the ICRP website and other resources to ensure your research is original and relevant.


Applying for Funding

Prepare to Apply

  • Choose the funding opportunity that aligns with your research proposal and set a schedule for gathering and writing all required documents.
  • Be sure to read through the application and instructions completely to ensure you meet all requirements.
  • Inform your institution of your intent to apply and gain support.
  • Watch the Video: Keys to Writing an Effective Research Grant Proposal.

Write Application - Online Submission instructions

  • Review the Grantmaker Online Submission instructions listed within the application.
  • Find the application from our Apply Now page and create a log-in on the grant application page.
  • Complete all required fields and upload all required documents.
  • Be sure to proofread and have a mentor and institutional official proofread the entire grant for any grammar issuers, missing information, or unclear objectives.


  • Make sure your application has been fully submitted by first validating and then submitting the application.


Application Review

Peer Review

  • All ONF grants are reviewed by a peer review team with an assigned Chair.
  • Review teams are comprised of past grant winners and nurse scientist research experts.
  • Chair assigns the proposals based on conflict-of-interest declarations and area of expertise- each application will have a primary, secondary, and collateral review.
  • Reviewers follow a critique outline focusing on the following areas: Significance, Investigators, Innovation, Approach, and Environment. The Critique form also contains a protection/inclusion section and an overall impact score.
  • Review call: the review team will meet for a reviewer call to discuss the proposals and assign final scores- Reviewers with conflicts of interest are put in a waiting room until the discussion of that proposal has concluded.


  • Approval of proposals is a combination of the highest score and appropriateness of the proposal to the call.
  • Recommendations are accepted from the chair by the executive director and approved by the Foundation Board.