Getting Started
Learn the Basics
- The Foundation uses the Oncology Nursing Society (ONS) Research Agenda to inform topics for calls for research proposals.
- Grant calls are approved by the ONF Board and funded by various resources, most notably the Foundation Endowment and donors interested in advancing cancer nursing research.
Plan Your Approach
- Review the Foundation’s current grant opportunities found on the website.
- Ensure your research meets the call and ideally the ONS research agenda.
- Check the ICRP website and other resources to ensure your research is original and relevant.
Applying for Funding
Prepare to Apply
- Choose the funding opportunity that aligns with your research proposal and set a schedule for gathering and writing all required documents.
- Be sure to read through the application and instructions completely to ensure you meet all requirements.
- Inform your institution of your intent to apply and gain support.
- Watch the Video: Keys to Writing an Effective Research Grant Proposal.
Write Application - Online Submission instructions
- Review the Grantmaker Online Submission instructions listed within the application.
- Find the application from our Apply Now page and create a log-in on the grant application page.
- Complete all required fields and upload all required documents.
- Be sure to proofread and have a mentor and institutional official proofread the entire grant for any grammar issuers, missing information, or unclear objectives.
- Make sure your application has been fully submitted by first validating and then submitting the application.
Application Review
Peer Review
- All ONF grants are reviewed by a peer review team with an assigned Chair.
- Review teams are comprised of past grant winners and nurse scientist research experts.
- Chair assigns the proposals based on conflict-of-interest declarations and area of expertise- each application will have a primary, secondary, and collateral review.
- Reviewers follow a critique outline focusing on the following areas: Significance, Investigators, Innovation, Approach, and Environment. The Critique form also contains a protection/inclusion section and an overall impact score.
- Review call: the review team will meet for a reviewer call to discuss the proposals and assign final scores- Reviewers with conflicts of interest are put in a waiting room until the discussion of that proposal has concluded.
- Approval of proposals is a combination of the highest score and appropriateness of the proposal to the call.
- Recommendations are accepted from the chair by the executive director and approved by the Foundation Board.