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2025 RE33 General Topic Research Grant – $100,000
Career and Leadership Development
2025 Josh Gottheil Memorial SCT/BMT Career Development Award
Supports non-advanced practice level registered nurses working in stem cell transplantation and bone marrow by providing financial assistance to attend either a virtual or in-person nursing continuing professional development specific to transplant nursing.
2025 ONF Leadership Scholarships
Supports a registered nurse, working in oncology, interested in developing their leadership skills to improve cancer care by attending a leadership continuing education program.
Connie Henke Yarbro Excellence in Cancer Nursing Mentorship Award
Recognizes and supports excellence in the mentorship of oncology nurses.
Conference Scholarships
ONS Congress® Scholarships
Support registered nurses interested in improving cancer care by developing their personal knowledge as a result of attending the ONS Congress and sharing this new knowledge with others.
Ceira Boyle Student Nursing ONS Congress Scholarship
Support a student nurse who is pursuing a career in oncology nursing by providing the funding to attend ONS Congress.