Breast Cancer Community Education Grants for ONS Chapters

Funded by the Oncology Nursing Foundation through a grant from AstraZeneca HealthCare Foundation.

Purpose: To increase breast cancer awareness in communities by supporting nurse-directed and community-focused educational programs.

Grant: Up to $1,000 is available to qualified ONS Chapters across the United States to plan and implement patient/community-focused breast cancer education/awareness programs.


  • The program must be an ONS Chapter activity and focus on community education.
  • The grant is not intended to support work-based community education programs. The program cannot limit attendance to an institution, hospital, hospital network, or nurse work setting.
  • Individual programs and/or Chapters can only receive one grant.

Application Due Date: Open applications are accepted but must be received by the Oncology Nursing Foundation no later than two weeks prior to the program start date. Applications will remain open until funds are expended.

 Points to Consider:

  • Do not wait until the last day to start an application as a quality and competitive application will take time to complete.
  • We suggest that you use your time wisely by getting a head start and collecting any additional required items such as the name and email address of someone writing your letter of recommendation before you begin.
  • Your essay responses should be of good quality, in terms of grammar, punctuation, syntax, conciseness, and ability to answer the question. Ensure you submit a detailed response and use the word count to your advantage. 
  • To strengthen your application, use free online tools such as Grammarly and have someone read over your application to ensure accurate spelling, punctuation, and grammar.

How To Apply:

  • To apply email the Foundation at with your project description (see below for details). 
  • Email with any questions. 
  • All questions must be submitted to the Foundation prior to 4:30 pm Eastern Time on the day of the application due date in order to receive a response prior to the deadline.
  • Project description must be in PDF format.
  • Project description must include the following information:
    • Chapter(s) implementing the program
    • Chapter member responsible for the program
      • Full name
      • Address
      • Email address
      • Role in chapter
    • Program title
    • Program date
    • Program location
    • Target audience and anticipated attendance
    • Program overview and content
    • Estimated number of chapter members involved in the program
    • Budget: incorporate a line item budget indicating funds needed by the Oncology Nursing Foundation (not to exceed $1,000). Indicate other funding sources for the program.
    • Identify how funder (Oncology Nursing Foundation and AstraZeneca Healthcare Foundation) will be recognized.

Previous Recipients

ONS Wheatland Chapter, Kansas

ONS Greater Los Angeles Chapter